Warning: The following contains post-op pictures that are graphic. Though the purpose is for educational reference, viewer discretion is advised.
Sometimes an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. In this case, we’re talking about the nether regions of your male dog. Pets In Stitches staff will sometimes suggest a procedure called a scrotal ablation. Read on to learn why this procedure can save you trouble in the future and how the procedure is completed.
Let’s start at the beginning. When a routine neuter is performed, the testicles are removed but the scrotal sac stays. For some dogs, typically adult ones, the scrotal skin that remains can predispose to problems and be unsightly.
The scrotal skin basically becomes, for some dogs, a flap of skin that hangs. During recovery, the body produces fluids that are part of the healing process. The now emptied scrotum can fill with this fluid and create discomfort for the dog and generate a predisposition to infection.
The term “a change purse” is the best description we’ve heard to describe how the emptied scrotum looks. For some dogs, especially short-haired dogs, this can be quite noticeable and unpleasant for pet parents.
That’s where a scrotal ablation comes in. It can reduce these medical and aesthetic concerns. A section of the scrotal skin is removed so that a small ridge of tissue remains where the scrotum and testicles were. That small ridge is deliberately created, rather than a flat patch of skin, to accommodate the postsurgical swelling and to make your dog more comfortable.
A scrotal ablation is an additional surgical procedure. If you’re unsure, don’t worry! Our staff will recommend it if indicated for your dog. Sometimes our veterinarian will make the final decision once your dog is anesthetized and they can palpate the surgical site. Have some questions? Just ask! In the end, we just want your pup to be happy and comfy.
Caption: These pictures are from a very mature male. Not all male dogs need to have this much scrotal skin to benefit from the procedure.