As Pleasant As Possible
When your furbaby gets handed over to us, we want to make the experience as pleasant as possible—for both you and your little loved one. We go above and beyond to ensure your pet is comfortable before, during, and after surgery.
Less Stress, More Healing
Not only are these extra measures important for emotional health, but they are also critical for physical health. Studies show when there’s a decrease of cortisol (the stress hormone), healing is improved. So, that means if we can get your pet to be more relaxed through the process, his or her recovery will be a smoother, more successful one.
A Decade of Research
To understand the science, read this article in the U.S. National Library of Medicine. It states, “In the past decade, research in the area of stress and healing has grown significantly. Concordant findings from animal and human models using a variety of stress paradigms, wounding techniques, and methods of healing assessment have now clearly established that stress slows healing.”
So, what exactly does Pets in Stitches do to help put your pet at ease? For starters, upon admission on surgery day, an anti-anxiety medication can be given to dogs and cats. Even better, it’s often accompanied with a little bit of cheese! Next, while your pet waits for surgery, pheromones are used for further calming. For cats, paper bags or small boxes are placed in their cage, since hiding can provide comfort. Some of our feline visitors love to play, so toys are also provided! All our patients are made comfortable while awaiting surgery with blankets and sometimes, external warming devices.
Once surgery begins, here are a few measures we have in place for comfort and safety:
- Monitoring equipment
- Fluid pumps, as needed
- Forced air warmer
- Local nerve blocks and continuous drug infusions ensure pain is managed carefully
After surgery, dogs are gently placed in an area we call “the beach” and covered snuggly with blankets. Some are even given pillows! The heated, padded environment is a cozy place to rest during recovery. Cats are bundled warmly in fleece and provided warmed rice socks under the fleece while monitored in their cages.
Extra Thought, Extra Love
All these measures add up to a better, healthier, more healing experience. Your pet is worth every bit.