Taking the Earth into consideration has become like second nature for so many of us; tossing that can into the recycle bin, filling up a reusable water bottle, or repurposing/repairing an old item instead of buying new, and other simple habits can make a big impact. We can take it a step further with ideas like planting a vegetable garden, altering buying habits to favor environmentally friendly companies/ingredients, and teaching the children in your life how to care for the Earth.
It probably comes as no surprise that pet ownership isn’t exactly an environmentally friendly endeavor, but there are steps you can take to reduce your furry friend’s carbon pawprint. Advances in technology and a deeper understanding of environmental issues has made Green pet ownership easier than ever. Let Pets In Stitches join the conversation!
Green Pet Ownership
Our pets are like family, so it only makes sense to apply the concept “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” to their care as well. Our tips are not only eco-friendly, they’ll improve your pet’s health and quality of life!
- Spay/neuter – Pet overpopulation is a huge problem all over the world, and it takes a significant toll on the environment, not to mention animal welfare in general. Having your pet spayed or neutered is the single best way you can have an impact. Looking for an alternative to the traditional spay or neuter surgery? Dr. Rastetter also provides alternatives with hormone-sparing sterilizations and even flank-spay procedures.
- Adopt, don’t shop – Choosing to adopt your next pet from an animal shelter or rescue organization not only saves a life, but it is a core principle of green pet ownership. Many breeding operations earn their money by raising large quantities of pets for a profit, usually forcing the animals to exist in overcrowded and deplorable conditions, both of which are bad for the pets and for the environment.
- Protect native wildlife – Dogs and cats are part of nature, and it’s only natural for them to want to exercise their instincts by hunting, stalking, and often killing birds and other wildlife. Keep dogs leashed at all times while out on the trail, and prevent your cat from hunting (outdoor cats kill an estimated 3.7 billion songbirds each year, as well as mammals, amphibians, and other wildlife).
- Pick up after pets – Picking up after your dog is a must. Not only is dog poop just plain gross, bacteria and parasites from feces can leach into the soil and groundwater, causing big problems for humans, plants, and other animals. Rather than using a plastic bag to collect the waste, where it will sit practically forever in a landfill, switch to biodegradable dog poop bags. If you want to take it step further, consider composting your dog’s poop – a surprisingly simple process that can be done right in your backyard.
- Look for natural products – When selecting pet grooming or cleaning products, go for something with more natural, less toxic ingredients. Similarly, rather than choosing rock salt or chemical deicers for outdoors, looks for kid-and-pet-safe options.
We’d love to hear about your favorite ways to go green with your pet! Post to our social media (don’t forget to include a picture!). For all your pet’s surgical needs, don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns!