We specialize in spay & neuter and alternative sterilizations, however we offer a variety of surgical procedures for your dog. Take a look at them below and if you have any questions at all, feel free to call us at 937-630-3320 or drop us a note on our contact form.
In addition to surgeries, we also provide wellness & preventative, dental and urgent care for your cat or kitten.
Please note: These prices reflect standard diagnostics performed before a procedure. Some pets may need additional diagnostics, which incur additional costs. Thank you for your understanding.
This is the cost of a spay plus half the cost of a neuter. This occurs when your pet’s testicle(s) has not fully descended into the scrotal sac and one or more remain in the abdomen.
Cost depends on complexity and size of patient. Please call for a treatment quote. We only perform emergency C-sections and we require the patient to be spayed at the same time.
We offer cardboard carriers for your use before and after surgery. Being in an enclosed, protected environment helps your pet feel safe.
$1,795 to 2,515 depending on complexity. Surgical treatment for recurrent rectal prolapse.
$2,945 to $4,954 depending on complexity. Diaphragmatic hernias result from abdominal organs being pushed through a hole in the diaphragm. That hole is the hernia. The hole can be caused by trauma, such as being hit by a car, or it can be congenital, meaning that the pet was born with it.
Blood fills the two layers of cartilage that make up the ear flap and must be drained out. Typically occurs secondary to infection, shaking head, or trauma.
The removal of the eye that leaves the eye muscles and remaining orbital contents intact. This could be for eyes that have suffered severe trauma, and in eyes that are otherwise blind and painful.
$2,695 to $2,737 for cats. $2,695 to $5,270 depending on size of dog. This is when the end of the thigh bone that sits in hip joint is removed. We perform this surgery most often after a fracture of a bone.
$2,430 to $4,495 depending on complexity. A potentially life-threatening condition, when strange objects (foreign bodies) are ingested by your pet is unable to make it successfully through the intestinal tract, we help remove the object from the body.
$240 plus the cost of a neuter. This occurs when your pet’s testicles have not fully descended and one or more is found under the skin in the groin area.
Consultation with our veterinarian needed to provide cost estimate. A deep cut / tear of the flesh from trauma or infection. Unlike an incision with smooth edges, a laceration is often jagged and irregular.
$2,695 to $2,847 depending on complexity. Limb amputation for your cat may be recommended because of cancer, severe trauma, or a birth defect which has resulted in a useless limb.
Consultation with our veterinarian needed to provide cost estimate.
Ventral bulla osteotomy removes polyps that grow from the middle ear into the ear canal or throat.
Safe neutering for cats of all ages and sizes.
Removing a cat’s nose often because of cancer, trauma, or other diseases.
Pain medications used during surgery and 3 days take-home medication for pain and inflammation are included at no additional fee. *Not a sedative.
We sell recycled newspaper pellets for a cat litter substitute. Regular cat litter may get into the cat’s neuter incision and cause problems.
Revision of where urine exits a male cat’s body due to multiple urinary blockages by stones.
Removing an ear flap often because of cancer or trauma.
$1,030 to 1,401 depending on complexity. If a female cat is known or found to be at least two weeks pregnant during surgery, we charge an additional fee for the additional time and supplies related to completing the spay safely.
Cost depends on complexity and size of patient. Please call for a treatment quote. Pyometra is defined as an infection in the uterus. Pyometra is considered a serious and life threatening condition that must be treated quickly and aggressively.
$1,795 to $2,273 depending on complexity. Surgical removal of salivary glands after saliva leaks into surrounding tissues.
Consultation with our veterinarian needed to provide cost estimate. Excess skin is removed to help treat chronic skin infections. Skin folds create a warm, humid environment and in the presence of moisture, bacteria can multiply, creating an infection in the fold.
Safe spaying for cats of all ages and sizes. Female cats will receive a small abdominal tattoo at no charge. This tattooing is the universally accepted method to identify a spayed cat.
$2,695 to $3,695 depending on complexity of situation. Removal of the spleen in cases of cancer or trauma.
Removal of part of the external nose that is causing breathing difficulties.
Surgically removing part or all of the tail, for medical reasons only: severe wounds, tumors, and infections. Pets in Stitches does not offer cosmetic tail docking.
$1,795 to $2,174 depending on complexity. Surgically removing a toe to treat some severe conditions, traumas, fractures and deformities, when other remedies fail. Your pet can live pain-free while compensating well without the affected toe.
The ear canal, bones of the middle ear and, ear drum are removed as a last stage treatment for chronic ear problems.
We provide humane traps to catch free-roaming cats for you to rent and use. You will be refunded $50 when the trap is returned clean and in working condition.