So Much In Heat: Flank Spay Part 2

June 24, 2021

cats laying down with one another

Timing is Everything 

Summertime means many things. Lemonade, pools, flowers in bloom, and litters of kittens being born everywhere. Most of us know this is the time of year cats most commonly have their kittens, but did you know how soon after giving birth you can spay a cat? It might surprise you. Within 3 to 4 weeks, a cat can get pregnant again, so time is of the essence. And how early can a cat produce kittens? As early as 4 months of age! Do the math on that one and you’ll quickly realize you could end up with a bumper crop of kittens if left unchecked.

Spay During Nursing? It’s Possible!

A couple of years ago, we wrote an article on Flank Spay. We wanted to bring flank spay to your attention again because this is boom time for kittens! Flank cat spay is a perfect option if the mama cat is still nursing because this specialty surgery allows her to continue nourishing her kittens while preventing a pregnancy too soon after the current one. How does it work?

A Quick Breakdown

Let’s do a simple review of what exactly flank spay is for cats. In this special type of surgery, the incision is made to the side of the abdomen, away from mammary tissue that’s sustaining her kittens. An additional perk of this surgery is that if it’s performed on a feral cat, it’s easier to see if she’s healing well. That is, if she’s skittish and it’s hard to approach her to check her stitches.

Value of Recovery 

You might be wondering what it costs to spay a cat. Well, it varies by each veterinarian’s office, but always spring for positive reviews over low prices. A spay completed poorly can affect a cat’s recovery time and general health, so it’s always a good idea to go with a vet that has a good recovery rating. We’re pleased to say Pets in Stitches is known for having excellent recovery reviews and we take extra measures to make sure your cat stays relaxed before, during, and after the surgery.

A Pets in Stitches Specialty

It’s important to note that cat flank spays aren’t a surgery every veterinarian’s office can perform. Flank spays are a unique procedure that most veterinarians are not trained in providing, however, Pets in Stitches is not only familiar with this type of surgery, but specializes in it. So, rest assured in knowing your cat is in the right place with PNS.

It’s In Your Hands

If owners don’t jump in within the timeframe, a cat can have several litters in one year! While we love kittens, it might be best to schedule a time to spay your cat. In the words of Bob Barker, help control the pet population!

Come. Stay. Heal.

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