Testimonials Services

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Choose a Surgery

We offer a wide variety of surgeries to support your pet's health and wellness. When choosing from the list below, be sure to look for special considerations using the indicators. Please note that some are recommended during other surgeries.

Required with Surgery

Recommended with Surgery

Optional with Surgery


Note that Wellness services need to be scheduled along with your surgery or as an afternoon appointment.

Spaying & Neutering

Our spaying and neutering is safe and affordable for pets of all ages and sizes. You will find our prices considerably lower than full-service veterinarian clinics in the Dayton area. Patients will receive a small abdominal tattoo at no charge. This tattooing is the universally accepted method to identify a spayed or neutered animal.

Caesarian Section


$950 to $2,055 depending on complexity, plus the cost of a spay. We only perform emergency C-sections and we require the patient to be spayed at the same time.



$640 to $1,670 depending on complexity, plus the cost of a spay. Pyometra is defined as an infection in the uterus. Pyometra is considered a serious and life threatening condition that must be treated quickly and aggressively.



Safe and affordable spaying for cats of all ages and sizes. Female cats will receive a small abdominal tattoo at no charge. This tattooing is the universally accepted method to identify a spayed cat.

Spay 30


Traditional spaying for female dogs that weigh less than 30 lbs. Removes the ovaries and uterus, generally at the cervix. No heat cycles, ovarian hormones, or pregnancy possible.

Spay 60


Traditional spaying for female dogs that weigh between 31 and 60 lbs. Removes the ovaries and uterus, generally at the cervix. No heat cycles, ovarian hormones, or pregnancy possible.

Spay 100


Traditional spaying for female dogs that weigh between 61 to 100 lbs. Removes the ovaries and uterus, generally at the cervix. No heat cycles, ovarian hormones, or pregnancy possible.

Spay 100+


Traditional spaying for female dogs that weigh more than 100 lbs. Removes the ovaries and uterus, generally at the cervix. No heat cycles, ovarian hormones, or pregnancy possible.

Rabbit Spay


Safe and affordable spaying for both young and old rabbits. Patients will receive a small abdominal tattoo at no charge. This tattooing is the universally accepted method to identify a spayed animal.

Neuter 30


Neutering for male dogs that weigh less than 30 lbs. Removes testicles. No sperm or pregnancy possible. Eliminates risk of testicular cancers and benign prostatic hypertrophy (enlarged prostate).

Neuter 60


Neutering for male dogs that weigh between 31 and 60 lbs. Removes testicles. No sperm or pregnancy possible. Eliminates risk of testicular cancers and benign prostatic hypertrophy (enlarged prostate).

Neuter 100


Neutering for male dogs that weigh between 61 and 100 lbs. Removes testicles. No sperm or pregnancy possible. Eliminates risk of testicular cancers and benign prostatic hypertrophy (enlarged prostate).

Neuter 100+


Neutering for male dogs that weigh more than 100 lbs. Removes testicles. No sperm or pregnancy possible. Eliminates risk of testicular cancers and benign prostatic hypertrophy (enlarged prostate).



Safe and affordable neutering for cats of all ages and sizes. Patients will receive a small abdominal tattoo at no charge. This tattooing is the universally accepted method to identify a neutered animal.

Rabbit Neuter


Safe and affordable neutering for both young and old rabbits. Patients will receive a small abdominal tattoo at no charge. This tattooing is the universally accepted method to identify a neutered animal.

Scrotal Ablation


Removal of the scrotal sac in addition to the testicles at the time of neuter. Recommended with an adult male dog neuter or with large scrotums where the remaining skin is smooth rather than excessive.

Recommended with Surgery

Abdominal Cryptorchid


This is the cost of a spay plus half the cost of a neuter. This occurs when your pet’s testicle(s) has not fully descended into the scrotal sac and one or more remain in the abdomen.

Inguinal Cryptochid


$205 plus the cost of a neuter. This occurs when your pet’s testicles have not fully descended and one or more is found under the skin in the groin area.

Ovary Sparing Spay & Vasectomy

Our alternative sterilization options, ovary sparing spay (hysterectomy) and vasectomy, are for dog owners who seek a way to ensure that their dog does not reproduce yet still benefit from sex hormones throughout life.

Ovary Sparing Spay 30


Alternative surgical sterilization for female dogs that weigh less than 30 lbs. Removes the uterus and cervix, leaving one / both ovaries, reducing the risk of ovarian cancers in half. No pregnancy possible.

Ovary Sparing Spay 60


Alternative surgical sterilization for female dogs that weigh between 31 and 60 lbs. Removes the uterus and cervix, leaving one / both ovaries, reducing the risk of ovarian cancers in half. No pregnancy possible.

Ovary Sparing Spay 100


Alternative surgical sterilization for female dogs that weigh between 61 and 100 lbs. Removes the uterus and cervix, leaving one / both ovaries, reducing the risk of ovarian cancers in half. No pregnancy possible.

Ovary Sparing Spay 100+


Alternative surgical sterilization for female dogs that weigh more than 100 lbs. Removes the uterus and cervix, leaving one / both ovaries, reducing the risk of ovarian cancers in half. No pregnancy possible.

Vasectomy 30


Alternative surgical sterilization for male dogs that weigh less than 30 lbs. Removes a piece of the spermatic cord (vas deferens) preventing sperm transportation from testicles during ejaculation.

Vasectomy 60


Alternative surgical sterilization for male dogs that weigh between 31 and 60 lbs. Removes a piece of the spermatic cord (vas deferens) preventing sperm transportation from testicles during ejaculation.

Vasectomy 100


Alternative surgical sterilization for male dogs that weigh between 61 and 100 lbs. Removes a piece of the spermatic cord (vas deferens) preventing sperm transportation from testicles during ejaculation.

Vasectomy 100+


Alternative surgical sterilization for male dogs that weigh more than 100 lbs. Removes a piece of the spermatic cord (vas deferens) preventing sperm transportation from testicles during ejaculation.


Our optical surgeries are available for pets with eye issues.



The removal of the eye that leaves the eye muscles and remaining orbital contents intact. This could be for eyes that have suffered severe trauma, and in eyes that are otherwise blind and painful.

Cherry Eye Repair


Correction of inner eyelid outpouching of one eye. Cherry eye is a disorder of the nictitating membrane (NM), also called the third eyelid, present in the eyes of dogs.

Bilateral Cherry Eye Repair


Correction of inner eyelid outpouching of both eyes. Cherry eye is a disorder of the nictitating membrane (NM), also called the third eyelid, present in the eyes of dogs.


Our gastrointestinal surgeries support the health and wellness of your pet's stomach.

Perineal Hernia Repair


A perineal hernia appears as swelling on either or both sides of your dog’s anus. Internal organs such as the bladder can be trapped in this outpouching.

Splenectomy (Spleen Removal)


$1,695 to $2,940 depending on complexity of situation. Removal of the spleen in cases of cancer or trauma.

Anal Sac Removal


Anal sac(s) removal occurs after chronic infections or a cancer diagnosis.

Salivary Gland Removal


$1,450 to $1,930 depending on complexity. Surgical removal of salivary glands after saliva leaks into surrounding tissues.

Gastropexy (Prophylactic)


Surgical stabilization of the stomach to reduce the risk of stomach twisting. $835 if performing during an open abdomen surgery such as spay or ovary sparing spay. $1,495 with any other anesthetic procedure.

Foreign Body Removal


$2,155 to $3,415 depending on complexity. A potentially life-threatening condition, when strange objects (foreign bodies) are ingested by your pet is unable to make it successfully through the intestinal tract, we help remove the object from the body.


Our orthopedic surgeries are safe and comprehensive for dogs and cats with orthopedic conditions, including the need for an amputation. Orthopedic surgery is the most effective procedure for correcting an affected bone or joint and returning the patient to a normal state of health.

Toe Amputation


$1,265 to $2,110 depending on complexity. Surgically removing a toe to treat some severe conditions, traumas, fractures and deformities, when other remedies fail. Your pet can live pain-free while compensating well without the affected toe.

Limb Amputation


$1,695 to $2,735 depending on complexity. Limb amputation for your cat may be recommended because of cancer, severe trauma, or a birth defect which has resulted in a useless limb.

Limb Amputation


$2,530 to $4,630 depending on complexity and size of dog. Limb amputation for your dog may be recommended because of cancer, severe trauma, or a birth defect which has resulted in a useless limb.

Tail Amputation


Surgically removing part or all of the tail, for medical reasons only: severe wounds, tumors, and infections. Pets in Stitches does not offer cosmetic tail docking.

Femoral Head Ostectomy (FHO)


$2,360 cats. $2,360 to $3,390 depending on size of dog. This is when the end of the thigh bone that sits in hip joint is removed. We perform this surgery most often after a fracture of a bone.

Dewclaw Removal Add-On


A vestigial digit on the foot. In many dogs, the dewclaws never make contact with the ground, so the nail never wears away and it must often be trimmed to keep it a safe length.

Optional with Surgery


Our urinary surgeries are safe and affordable. The urinary system or tract includes the kidneys, the ureters (tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder), the bladder, and the urethra (the tube through which urine exits the body).

Perineal Hernia Repair


A perineal hernia appears as swelling on either or both sides of your dog’s anus. Internal organs such as the bladder can be trapped in this outpouching.

Perineal Urethrostomy


Revision of where urine exits a male cat’s body due to multiple urinary blockages by stones.

Scrotal Urethrostomy


Revision of where urine exits a male dog’s body due to multiple urinary blockages by stones.

Cystotomy (Bladder Stone Removal)


General Surgeries

Our general surgeries are available to support the health and wellness of your pet.

Perineal Hernia Repair


A perineal hernia appears as swelling on either or both sides of your dog’s anus. Internal organs such as the bladder can be trapped in this outpouching.

Splenectomy (Spleen Removal)


$1,695 to $2,940 depending on complexity of situation. Removal of the spleen in cases of cancer or trauma.

Pinnectomy (Ear Flap Removal)


Removing an ear flap often because of cancer or trauma.

Total Ear Canal Ablation


The ear canal, bones of the middle ear and, ear drum are removed as a last stage treatment for chronic ear problems.

Nasapharyngeal Polyp Removal


Ventral bulla osteotomy removes polyps that grow from the middle ear into the ear canal or throat.

Anal Sac Removal


Anal sac(s) removal occurs after chronic infections or a cancer diagnosis.

Salivary Gland Removal


$1,450 to $1,930 depending on complexity. Surgical removal of salivary glands after saliva leaks into surrounding tissues.

Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair


$2,895 to $4,890 depending on complexity. Diaphragmatic hernias result from abdominal organs being pushed through a hole in the diaphragm. That hole is the hernia. The hole can be caused by trauma, such as being hit by a car, or it can be congenital, meaning that the pet was born with it.

Nose Removal


Removing a cat’s nose often because of cancer, trauma, or other diseases.

Laryngeal Tieback


Treatment for laryngeal paralysis which causes breathing difficulties.

Soft Palate Resection


$1,695 to $2,539 depending on complexity. Removal of excess tissue of soft palate that is causing breathing difficulties.

Stenotic Nares Wedge Resection


Removal of part of the external nose that is causing breathing difficulties.

Ear Hematoma Drainage


Blood fills the two layers of cartilage that make up the ear flap and must be drained out. Typically occurs secondary to infection, shaking head, or trauma.

Mass Removal


Consultation with our veterinarian needed to provide cost estimate.

Skin Fold Excision


Consultation with our veterinarian needed to provide cost estimate. Excess skin is removed to help treat chronic skin infections. Skin folds create a warm, humid environment and in the presence of moisture, bacteria can multiply, creating an infection in the fold.

Laceration Repair


Consultation with our veterinarian needed to provide cost estimate. A deep cut / tear of the flesh from trauma or infection. Unlike an incision with smooth edges, a laceration is often jagged and irregular.

Umbilical Hernia Repair Add-On


A few weeks after birth, the “belly button” closes. If the wall where the umbilical cord was does not close, surgery will prevent the possibly fatal complication of abdominal organs becoming entrapped.

Optional with Surgery



$270 to $400 depending on complexity. If a female cat is known or found to be at least two weeks pregnant during surgery, we charge an additional fee for the additional time and supplies related to completing the spay safely.

Required with Surgery



$535 to $935 depending on complexity. If a female dog is known or found to be at least two weeks pregnant during surgery, we charge an additional fee for the additional time and supplies related to completing the spay safely.

Required with Surgery


We offer a few affordable products to support your pet's health and wellness.

Body Suit


A cotton body suit covering surgical site that prevents licking the surgical site. Easy to put on and tolerated well by your pet. We do not recommend this for dogs prone to self-licking.

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Recommended with Surgery

Pelleted Recycled Newspaper Litter


We sell recycled newspaper pellets for a cat litter substitute. Regular cat litter may get into the cat’s neuter incision and cause problems.

Pain Medication


Pain medications used during surgery and 3 days take-home medication for pain and inflammation are included at no additional fee. *Not a sedative.

Required with Surgery

Anti-anxiety Medication


We strongly recommend take-home anti-anxiety medication for active dogs who cannot rest quietly in its cage for 7 days after surgery to decrease risks of complications such as swelling or incision opening.

Recommended with Surgery

Trap Rental for Free-Roaming Cats


We provide humane traps to catch free-roaming cats for you to rent and use. You will be refunded $50 when the trap is returned clean and in working condition.

Cardboard Carrier


We offer cardboard carriers for your use before and after surgery. Being in an enclosed, protected environment helps your pet feel safe.

Comfy Cone


A softer collar than the traditional Elizabethan collar. Easy to put on and tolerated well by your pet. We recommend this for male dogs around forty pounds and larger.

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Recommended with Surgery

Elizabethan Collar


An Elizabethan collar, otherwise known as an “E-collar”, looks funny, but provides peace of mind. Click here for more information about E-collars.

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Recommended with Surgery

Inflatable Postoperative Collar


A “pillow” collar that prevents licking the surgical site. Easy to put on and tolerated well by your pet. We recommend this for all female dogs and some male dogs with the “squished” faces.

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Recommended with Surgery

Choose a Dental Care

Required with Surgery

Recommended with Surgery

Optional with Surgery


Note that Wellness services need to be scheduled along with your surgery or as an afternoon appointment.


Dental Cleaning


Ultrasonic scaling, polishing, and sealing.


Adult Teeth Extraction Add-On


The extraction add-on package includes: any and all necessary extractions and take-home pain medications and antibiotics. This is in addition to dental cleaning package. Consultation with our veterinarian needed to provide cost estimate.

Optional with Surgery

Baby Canine Tooth Extraction


If an adult canine tooth erupts without pushing the deciduous tooth out, the deciduous tooth is called “persistent” and should be removed to reduce the risk of infection, fracture, and dental disease.

Optional with Surgery

Baby Incisor or Premolar Extraction


If an adult incisor or premolar tooth erupts without pushing the deciduous tooth out, the deciduous tooth is called “persistent” and should be removed to reduce the risk of infection, fracture, and dental disease.

Optional with Surgery


Cardboard Carrier


We offer cardboard carriers for your use before and after surgery. Being in an enclosed, protected environment helps your pet feel safe.

Choose a Wellness Care

Required with Surgery

Recommended with Surgery

Optional with Surgery


Note that Wellness services need to be scheduled along with your surgery or as an afternoon appointment.

General Care

Our general services are affordable and quite common when it comes to supporting the wellness of your pet.

Tapeworm Treatment


Tapeworm is an intestinal parasie transmitted when a dog or cat ingests an infected flea or rodent. Does not transfer directy from pet to pet.



A microchip will identify your lost pet, allowing for a speedy recovery. This fee includes the microchip implantation and registration. For more information, you can visit AKC Reunite.

Nail Trim


If you struggle to trim your pet’s nails, we are here to help! It is very easy for us to perform a close nail trim when your pet is sedated.

Soft Claw Caps


If your cat scratches people or furniture, we can apply soft, plastic caps to the front claws, in addition to a close nail trim. These caps typically last four weeks and we can reapply them again for $45.

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Ear Clean


Pets in Stitches offers deep ear cleanings. These deep cleaning sessions are easy to perform while your pet is sedated.

Ear Hair Pluck


We are able to pluck any ear hair that may be predisposing your dog to an ear infection. These are easily performed while your pet is sedated.

Test for Mites


Ear mites are tiny insects that live in cat’s ear and feed on their blood. Infections can be very itchy and painful. so if we suspect an ear mite infection, we will discuss diagnosis and treatment options with you.

Anal Gland Expression


If you find your pet scooting its rear on the floor or if they have a history of full anal glands, we can easily express them while your pet is sedated.


Our precautionary services can be provided in order to avoid any health or wellness issues for your pet.

Parasite Prevention


Please call our clinic for pricing. Convenient and affordable prevention medicine that you administer monthly to your dog, keeping them happy and healthy.


Pets seven months and older must have a heartworm test performed within the past six months.

Heartworm Test


Heartworm disease is a potentially fatal condition caused by parasitic worms living in the arteries and hearts of dogs, cats, and other mammals. A dog becomes infected when bitten by an infected mosquito.

FeLV / FIV Testing


Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) are serious infections. It is important to know your cat’s FeLV and FIV status to provide the best care possible.


We follow vaccination guidelines established by the American Animal Hospital Association and Association of Feline Practioners.

Leptospirosis Vaccine


Protects dogs against leptospirosis.

Rabies Vaccine


$40 (one year) / $60 (three year)
All dogs and cats 12 weeks and older must have current rabies vaccination in Montgomery County. If a certificate is not provided at admission, we are required to administer the vaccine during surgery.

Required with Surgery

Leukemia Vaccine


Protects cats and kittens from feline leukemia viruses. *FeLV testing required prior!

Rhinotracheitis and Panleukopenia Vaccine


Protects cats against common diseases, including upper respiratory diseases.

Bordetella aka "Kennel Cough" Vaccine


Protects dogs against kennel cough, a highly contagious cough. We will recommend this if your dog will likely be boarded, hospitalized, or may come into contact with other animals.

Distemper and Parvovirus Vaccine


Protects dogs against common diseases including distemper and parvovirus.


The decision to euthanize a pet is often a difficult one. Pets In Stitches believes this step should also have an affordable option.



Appointment only. Call 937-630-3320 for information. Examination and associated fee may also be required.


Cardboard Carrier


We offer cardboard carriers for your use before and after surgery. Being in an enclosed, protected environment helps your pet feel safe.

Come. Stay. Heal.

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